
Switching to Google Apps

As You might know, I’m an active sportsman and my club’s homepage is maintained by me. There were multiple email adresses running on the server, which were driven by qmail and protected by spamassasin and clamav. The pit was, that those few mail account were the only mail accounts on that server – all the efford for about 10 accounts – bad thing. Now google offers the google apps solution for 50 users for free (with some limitation, but that doesn’t bother me) and a switch to the complete solution of google was imminent.
Yesterday we finally switched the CNAMEs and the whole club now runs on google apps. It was a matter of about 2 hours of configuration (teams, users, settings, customization, DNS & CNAME), but it will be a matter of days to get everybody involved and convinced, that this is the right solution for the situation.

Maybe anyone knows a few „marketing“ arguments to convince some „why do I need the internet“ – style users? Any help is appreciated.

Über den Autor

Mario Müller

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