
Slides der PHP UK Conference 2012

Und wieder ist eine hochkarätige PHP Konferenz zu Ende gegangen, die PHP UK Conference 2012 in London im Business Design Centre. Hier eine Übersicht der Talks und der Präsentationen:

24. Februar 2012

Opening Address
Ciaran Rooney

PHP in 2012
Rasmus Lerdorf

Powering Your Website with Realtime Data
Bert Van Hauwaert

The Journey towards Continuous Integration
Sebastian Marek

Big Data web – Big Data science – Big Data mining
James Littlejohn

The Lean Scrum
Linus Norton

API Client Libraries for Payments
David Haywood Smith

The Cookie Law
Ian Barber

PHP 5.4: The New Bits
Davey Shafik

Develop & deploy using hybrid cloud strategies
Thijs Feryn

Data Abstraction In Large Web Applications
Brandon Savage

Deliberate Practice
Marcello Duarte

Git Plus Jenkins: The Great DDOS Client
Laura Beth Denker

To a thousand servers and beyond: scaling a massive PHP application
Nikolay Bachiyski

Creative Coding – why ?doing nothing? doesn?t mean you?re not working
June Henriksen

Security audits as integral part of PHP application development
Sijmen Ruwhof

Organizing a Conference
Rick Ogden

Profiling PHP Applications
Derick Rethans

Scaling Communication with Continuous Integration
Laura Beth Denker

Distribute the workload
Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson

User Experience Forum/Q&A
Steph Troeth

Short Introduction to BDD with Behat
Jakub Zalas

Teaching Your Machine To Find Fraudsters
Ian Barber

Building and deploying applications with Phing
Michiel Rook

Try { Getting People To Come To A Talk About Exceptions }
Ed van Beinum

Creating Moblie Web Apps with Sencha Touch
Martin de Keijzer

Secure Cross Domain Forms Using Encrypted Callbacks
James and Andries

PHP at Scale
Ian Barber

25. Februar 2012

Opening Address
Ciaran Rooney

Challenges at scale: extreme data and platforms at eBay
Hugh Williams

Security audits as integral part of PHP application development
Sijmen Ruwhof

Masterizing PHP Data Structure 102
Patrick Allaert

PHP 5.4: The New Bits
Davey Shafik

Monitoring your backend for speed and profit
Andrew “Bob” Brockhurst

Open Source Search: An Analysis
Justin Finkelstein

To a thousand servers and beyond: scaling a massive PHP application
Nikolay Bachiyski

Running an Open Source Project
Lorna Mitchell

Git Submodules: The Good and the Bad
Paul Matthews

Cheat your way with UX
Stephanie Troeth

MySQL Update
Dave Stokes

Recognizing smelly code
Harrie Verveer

API Design: More Than the REST
Dave Ingram

Intro to SOLID PHP
Neel Upadhyaya

Distribute the workload
Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson

HTML5 for PHP developers
Andrew Betts

Introduction: MongoDB with PHP
Derick Rethans

Emperor’s New Clothes
Kevinjohn Gallagher

Virtualization and Vagrant & more

PHP Under The Hood
Johannes Schlüter

The Misguided Manager
Zoe Slattery

Powering Your Website with Realtime Data
Bert Van Hauwaert

UX Q&A Part 2
Steph Troeth

Insight into a Cloud PaaS

Johannes Schlüter

Closing Address
Ciaran Rooney

Ähnliche Artikel:

  1. Präsentationen der PHPBenelux Konferenz 2012
  2. Slides der PHPBenelux Conference 2011
  3. Slides der Dutch PHP Conference 2011
Über den Autor

PHP Gangsta

Der zweitgrößte deutsche, eher praxisorientierte PHP-Blog von Michael Kliewe veröffentlicht seit Mitte 2009 Artikel für Fortgeschrittene.

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