
7 things

Yesterday I got hit by Lars “3 litres of beer” Jankowfsky and the “7 thing” meme (update: and by Ralf in the evening). So I guess I have to answer a few questions about myself. Since I usually write in German I have to apologize for this article since this will be in English, as you can all see.

7 things about me

Now, the payback for being upfront in my blog is that I don’t know anything about me you do not. But perhaps if I dig a little bit deeper into my past … ok there it is:

  1. My mascot is a little green hippo. Ok it’s my girlfriend’s hippo but it brings me luck, too. For our German readers it’s a Nil(s)pferd.
  2. I have a list of things I want to do in my life and one item is writing a book about “modern software engineering approaches in PHP”, but I am still looking for a gifted co-author supporting me.
  3. I was born in Neuss, moved to Karlsruhe, moved to Haag, moved to Simonswald, moved to Waldkirch, moved to Karlsruhe and I am going to move soon again. So I guess I am a Nordrhein-Westfalien-Baden-Bavarian – if the word does exist.
  4. My first big PHP project was www.planetfreiburg.de but does unfortunately not exist anymore. It was a community and party site for Freiburg.
  5. When I was 10 years or so I typewrote my first programs from c-64 magazines not knowing what those lines were doing.
  6. The red eye feature of cameras was not made for me since my eyes are always closed in photos.
  7. I own a lot of unused domains like www.eventkalender.org, www.tutorat.de, www.synchronstimmen.net, www.nutzloses-wissen.net, www.linuxhatesme.com and a dozen more. So much creativity but no time.

Ok, according to the rules of this game I have to name seven people that have to do this as well. Thus it’s very hard to find people that have not already been tagged. Well, to find the first five was easy, but in the end I finally made it. Ok I didn’t make it, but my two last choices are still brilliant, I guess.

  • Axel, the guy who really hates php although he is using it all the day
  • Frank “Design Pattern” Kleine, hoping for a lot of new articles on phphatesme.com this year
  • Damian, keep on cowboying
  • gERD, the godfather of pat*
  • Jan, for being my favourite SEO
  • PHP Usergoup Karlsruhe, thanks for all the nice evenings
  • Chuck Norris, for being able to write strict OOP code using PHP3. (I just added a link to Sebastian as he is a good friend of Mr. Norris)

These are the rules apparently:

Link your original tagger(s), and list these rules on your blog. Share seven facts about yourself in the post – some random, some weird. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or Twitter.

Über den Autor

Nils Langner

Nils Langner ist der Gründer von "the web hates me" und auch der Hauptautor. Im wahren Leben leitet er das Qualitätsmanagementteam im Gruner+Jahr-Digitalbereich und ist somit für Seiten wie stern.de, eltern.de und gala.de aus Qualitätssicht verantwortlich. Nils schreibt seit den Anfängen von phphatesme, welches er ebenfalls gegründet hat, nicht nur für diverse Blogs, sondern auch für Fachmagazine, wie das PHP Magazin, die t3n, die c't oder die iX. Nebenbei ist er noch ein gern gesehener Sprecher auf Konferenzen. Herr Langner schreibt die Texte über sich gerne in der dritten Form.


  1. When I was 10 yours.
    When I was 10 years.

    Witzig, ich hab das für den Schneider-PC praktiziert, und zwar auch schon so um 10 rum. Dachte ich wäre der einzige Freak dahingehend. Zum Glück hatte mein Vater das Zeitschriftenmaterial 🙂

  2. Herrlich: Chuck Norris, for being able to write strict OOP code using PHP3. (I just added a link to Sebastian as he is a good friend of Mr. Norris)

    Den muss ich mir merken ^^


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